1024 Technologies

Your AI empowerment
starts here.

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Hi, We Are
1024 Technologies.

Our Story.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is sweeping the globe and transforming the way we work and live. At 1024 Technologies, we're right in the heart of this exciting revolution. Our team of expert developers and AI professionals is passionate about helping businesses and organizations harness the immense power of AI.

We're here to support and empower you every step of the way. With our tried-and-tested industry processes, we'll help you explore the amazing potential of AI to elevate your business. Together, we'll create custom AI solutions, perfectly tailored to your needs, and guide you on your journey to make AI a vital part of your thriving enterprise.

What We Do.

At 1024 Technologies, we start by getting to know your brand and understanding your unique challenges. Together, we'll create a customized AI Transformation roadmap, prioritizing solutions that will have the greatest positive impact on your operations. We'll handle your data securely and develop a bespoke AI model tailored to your business needs. Our team will fine-tune and seamlessly integrate your AI model into your existing team, providing valuable insights from day one. With ongoing support and regular training to keep your AI up-to-date, we'll be by your side, helping you transition into a thriving AI-powered enterprise.

Share Your Story

We begin by getting to know you and your brand. Tell us what sets you apart as a business and the processes you have in place. Don't hesitate to share your challenges and pain points with us.

Charting Your AI Journey

Based on your insights, we'll create an AI Transformation Roadmap that pinpoints the AI solutions best suited for your business. Together, we'll prioritize and plan the changes that will have the most positive impact on your operations.

Safeguarding Your Data

Your unique data is the core of every tailored AI solution. We identify the critical and proprietary information that sets your business apart and process it using industry-standard methods, always keeping security as our top priority.

Crafting Your Custom AI

Armed with your exclusive data, we train a custom AI model specifically designed for your business. Unlike generic, off-the-shelf AI solutions, your bespoke AI will have a deep understanding of your business, gained through years of experience.
Your AI model will be accessible solely to you. Our commitment is straightforward: your data and the AI model we create from it belong exclusively to you.

Fine-Tuning and Launching

We'll test and adjust your AI model until it's just right, making sure it aligns with your preferences. Think of it as welcoming a new team member who already knows your business inside and out.
Once it's ready, your custom AI will be seamlessly integrated into your team, providing valuable insights right away.

Ongoing Support

We'll be by your side as you transform into an AI-powered business. Our team is always available to help as you become acquainted with your revamped enterprise.
To ensure your Custom AI stays current, it will require regular updates and training. Rest assured, we'll stick around to keep your AI in top form, so you can focus on what you do best.

Get in Touch.

We'd love to hear from you. Send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Where to Find Us

City of Burnaby
British Columbia, Canada


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